LIGHT FROM THE LAKE (May 10, 2013)
“Making Oprah’s Top 10“
“It took Nan Cuba 24 years to complete her first novel. It took a blink for the book to become a pre-published sensation.
The May issue of ‘O, The Oprah Magazine‘ hit newsstands in late April with ‘Body and Bread’ — Cuba’s debut work — listed under, ‘Ten Titles To Pick Up Now.’ The rave from Oprah arrived weeks before the book’s scheduled release on May 14.
The plug from ‘O’ reached Cuba through a friend. ‘I was in absolute shock,’ she says. Cuba’s agent received the news with startling calm. ‘This is intriguing,’ he told Cuba, an English professor at Our Lady of the Lake University. ‘Call me back when you know more details.’
Here’s one detail you can take to the bank: The ‘O’ endorsed novel will sell more than a few copies.”